Processing and p5

Processing has cultivated a passionate following among the visual arts and education communities over the last sixteen years. Processing is based on Java but simplifies the syntax by not requiring that everything be an object. Some educators use Processing as a gradual introduction to Java. Students can focus on syntax and types while not having to worry about objects and methods. Also, Processing’s output is visual in nature. This makes the language well-suited for beginners.

p5 is a JavaScript library for creative coding that focuses on making coding accessible for beginners, artists, designers, etc. p5.js has a full set of drawing functionality and more.

p5 example


Pair Programming should not be used for Processing/p5 assignments.

We have a two starter packs available to help you get started:

  1. Hello Processing/p5 in Codio Starter Pack: You can find this by either searching for “processing/p5” in the starter pack area or:

  1. Processing Demo Starter Pack: You can find this by either searching for “processing” in the starter pack area or:

Processing is also available in Codio as a Stack: - For users, click here - For users, click here