LTI 1.3 for Canvas

See this page for a video demonstration:

LTI 1.3 integration

Part 1: In Canvas - Create a Developer Key

The Canvas user who carries out these steps must be a system administrator.

In Codio:

  1. Go to your organization account settings by clicking on your user name in the bottom left of your dashboard and then selecting your organization within Organizations.

  2. Select the LTI Integrations tab.

  3. Scroll down to the LTI Integration 1.3 section; you should see the following fields. Keep this page open.

LTI 1.3 settings in Codio

In Canvas:

  1. Select Admin -> Developer Keys.

  2. Click on +Developer Key and select +LTI key.

Creating a Canvas Developer key
  1. Complete the Key Name, Title and Description fields.

  2. From Codio, under LTI 1.3 Integration, copy the LTI URL and paste it into the Target Link URI field in Canvas.

  3. From Codio copy the Initiate Login URL and paste it into the OpenID Connect Initiation URL.

  4. Copy the Redirect URL and paste it into the Canvas Redirect URI field.

Adding the Developer key values
  1. In Canvas, change JWK Method to Public JWK URL.

  2. From Codio, copy the Keyset URL and paste it into the Public JWK URL field.

  1. Expand the LTI Advantage Services section and toggle each field on.

  2. Expand the Additional Settings section

  • Type in both the Domain and Tool Id fields.

  • Select the Privacy level as Public.

    LTI Advantage Services

14. Scroll down to the Placements field. You can add a placement by starting to type the name and then selecting it when it appears. Placements that should be included (remove any others): Link Selection, Editor Button, Assignment Selection and Course Navigation.

LTI Placements
  1. Expand each of the following fields, and copy the static links below:

  • Link Selection
    • Select LtiDeepLinkingRequest

    • Target Link URI:

    • Icon Url:

    Link Selection
  • Editor button
    • Target Link URI:

    • Icon Url:

    Editor Button
  • Assignment Selection
    • Select LtiDeepLinkingRequest

    • Target Link URI:

    • Icon Url:

    Assignment Selection
  • Course Navigation
    • Target Link URI:

    • Icon Url:

    Course Navigation
  1. Press Save in bottom right corner

  2. You will be back at the list of developer keys.

  • Update State to: on

  • Copy the number in the Details column (for use in Parts 2 and 3)

    Developer Key

Part 2: Create an application in your course in Canvas

In Canvas:

  1. Select an existing course or create a new course.
    • Optional: create a test course called Codio Test Course before you do it with a production course.

  2. In your course, go to Settings → Apps → + App

  3. In Configuration Type, select: By Client ID

  4. Paste number you copied in Part 1 into Client ID field

  • Submit → Install

    Add App
  1. After you click install, click the gear icon by the tool you just created

  • Select Deployment ID

  1. Copy the ID displayed, it will be used in Part 3

Deployment ID

Part 3: Create an LTI configuration in Codio

In Codio:

  1. In your org → LTI Integrations

    • Scroll down to LTI 1.3 Configurations

    • Click Add Integration

LTI 1.3 Configurations
Updating the fields in Platform Information


replace [CANVAS DOMAIN] with your institution’s domain in steps 5-7

  1. Platform ID:

  2. Client ID: copied from Developer Keys at end of Part 1

  3. Deployment Id: copied in Part 2

  4. Public Keyset URL: https://[CANVAS DOMAIN]/api/lti/security/jwks

  5. Access Token URL: https://[CANVAS DOMAIN]/login/oauth2/token

  6. Authentication Request URL: https://[CANVAS DOMAIN]/api/lti/authorize_redirect

  7. Click Create

Create LTI Integration

Part 4: Adding a resource

In Canvas:

  1. Go to Assignments in your course, select +Assignment.

  2. Give your assignment a name.

  3. Select a number of points.

  4. Under Submission Type, select External Tool.

  5. Select Find.


Do not use LTI Integration URL to assign an assignment

6. Select the tool created in Part 1. - Choose the Course and Assignment to connect to - Recommended: Select Load in a new tab

Create an Assignment
  1. Select Save at bottom of the page

Note: these settings are not final and can be edited in Canvas at a later time.

Part 5: Customizing Iframe Width/Height

You can customize the width and height of the Codio window embedded in the Canvas. The default width is 1000 pixels and height is 800 pixels, change those values if you need and press Save Changes.

Iframe Width and Height settings

Important Notes on Course Copy in Canvas:

  • In Canvas, once you copy the course, you must enter a unique SIS ID in Course Settings.
    • An SIS ID that is different from the Blueprint Course (Canvas’ Parent Course) is required for Codio to spawn a corresponding child course.

    • An SIS ID is optional for the Blueprint Course.